Thursday, February 23, 2012

Finding Bigfoot?

Have you seen this show? If you haven't, you're not missing much as they never actually "find" Bigfoot. Usually they find nothing. It's like if someone made up a show titled "Eating cheese", but nobody ever eats any cheese. They just spend an hour talking to people about cheese, then they put on some night vision goggles and stare into the fridge at odd hours of the night, hoping some cheese shows up. But it never does. 

If you haven't seen the show, here is some typical dialogue from it:

Bigfoot "witness": I saw this big 8 foot creature just pop out from behind this tree about 50 yards away, then it ran off.

Member of the Bigfoot crew: I'm convinced that you saw a 'squatch. 

More typical dialogue:

Bigfoot crew member #1: What the hell is that! It must be a 'squatch!!  

back from commercial: "Oh wait, it's just a horse."

That's not even the worst part of the show. If you watch it at 3am, like I do, then during commercial breaks you get epic abused pet commercials with Sarah McLachlan playing over it. 

Awesome show. Great job!